Legislative Update

Warm and bright February greetings! Many bills that will help Vermonters are in process; I'm sharing just a few. Please reach out with your concerns, interests and questions:, and come to the Legislative Forum this Sunday, February 23rd, 1pm at the Bristol Fire Department.
Latest news here, including recent "Rising Star" award from Vermont Conservation Voters : Health Care Committee
The cost of health care continues to impact every aspect of our lives. It makes education more expensive. It continues to put access to care out of reach for many, and changes over the past few years at the national level have hurt Vermonters. What happens in the presidential election this November will determine whether we continue to whittle away at the possibility of universal health care, or move toward it.
Dollars that should be going to our health care, including those providing care, are caught in hidden profit and revenue pathways, for e.g. with pharmaceuticals. That's why our committee is working on affordability through removing cost-barrier access to primary care, increasing the rapidly dwindling primary care and nursing workforce, reducing out of pocket expenses to medications like insulin, and addressing the health benefit cliff that hurts moderate income Vermonters (between 400-500% of FPL/Federal Poverty Level).
Find my bills including H.822 An act related to limiting out-of-pocket expenses for prescription insulin drugs on my legislative page:

Climate and Environment
We hear you - it's well past time to act boldly. And we need to protect Vermonters from the impacts we're already experiencing, as well as make just and fair policy.
Legislators from the Climate Solutions Caucus (CSC) began meeting as soon as last session was finished to strategize to address reduction of greenhouse gases using just transition principles. As vice chair of the Climate Solutions Caucus, I led the organizing of more than 20 climate forums where we heard from more than 1,000 of you around the state. The CSC has drafted banner bills and several others to address transportation, weatherization, resiliency, and accountability. Please continue to reach out to me with your thoughts.
Related climate and environment bills: H.688: An act relating to addressing climate change (Global Warming Solutions Act) H.175 (my bill) Banning use of Eminent Domain for new fossil fuel infrastructure H.301 (my bill) An act prohibiting the use of the herbicide glyphosate (committee hearing this Tuesday, February 18th, 2-4 in House Ag and Forestry, room 32) H.828 (my bill) Amending Vermont Water Quality Standards to further protect wetlands, including in re: to interstate pipeline projects (intro to committee this Wednesday, February 19th, 11:15, House Natural Resources, Ethan Allen Room)
At the statehouse
I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating 100 years of women's suffrage by singing the 19th amendment, composed by Neely Bruce, in the House with a chorus from folks from all over northeastern US.
I always love visits - here's a picture with Linda Andrews and Ashley. We also loved seeing Devin Schrock and the 5th-6th graders of Lincoln Community School, as well as nursing students and nurse practitioners. Please let me know if you're up for a visit or even a day with me!
Lastly - I would appreciate donations to my candidate/campaign fund, especially if you would as a monthly sustainer. Legislative work is yearlong, but we volunteer our time and expenses for all work not occurring during official sessions. And - it's time for me to run for office again! I love working with all of you to make our communities even stronger.
Many thanks.