

Get the Facts: Affordable Heat Act (S.5) by Rep. Kathleen James

Excerpt: "Many Vermonters have been told that S.5 will result in much higher fuel prices, that it’s a “carbon tax,” that it involves mandates for how they heat their homes or the fuel they use, and that the unprecedented “check-back” mechanism that the legislature added — at the request of Governor Scott — is somehow a sham.

None of this is true."


Legislative Update

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Dear Community,

Thank you for your trust in us, particularly through such an immensely difficult year. Your participation continues to be essential, and we appreciate it. As we legislate in total virtual mode you have been in our hearts and minds. This report is not all-inclusive, so please reach out to us about issues not shared here.


On the Campaign - Staff Perspectives: Neily

Neily Bio pic

I live and work in Starksboro, VT. I am a co-owner of a small worker cooperative business, AORTA, with 12 worker-owners working in 8 different states & generating about $1 million in revenue per year (well, at least we generated that much before Covid!). I’m writing to share a testimonial about our experience navigating health benefits for our workers as a plea for universal healthcare / medicare for all.


On the Campaign - Staff Perspectives: Samantha

Bio Photo

I made an off-hand comment to someone recently that the reason I was working on Mari’s campaign was to hold back the despair. Though perhaps a little cynical, this is mostly true. It is easy for anyone to feel a bit hopeless these days, even as we recognize that living in Vermont is keeping us safe from many of the things that are causing us worry.

Except Vermont isn’t actually as far from the rest of the world as we’d like to think.


2020 Town Meeting Report

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Dear Community,

Thank you for your trust in us. It’s an honor to serve as your State Representatives. Our work has been enriched by all of your contributions – in person, by email, by phone, and on social media. As you’ll see in this newsletter, there are a number of bills under consideration at the State House. We are presenting you with just a few. We continue to focus on advancing policies that build personal, social, economic and environmental resilience for all.


Melancholia and Climate

February snow shadows B&W

I am an elder, grandmother to many. I choose with dangerous hopefulness to plant trees whose shade I know I shall never sit in.


Legislative Update

Mari HC committee insulin bill

Warm and bright February greetings! Many bills that will help Vermonters are in process; I'm sharing just a few. Please reach out with your concerns, interests and questions:, and come to the Legislative Forum this Sunday, February 23rd, 1pm at the Bristol Fire Department.


2019 End of Session House of Representatives Report

addy ind

Thank you for your trust in us. It’s an honor to serve as your State Representatives as, together, we work to advocate for constituent priorities as well as fulfilling the aspirations of our recent election campaigns. We accomplished much in the first session of this biennium, and this report outlines many of them.


Health Care update and more


Legislative Update - Town Meeting Week

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Cordes Campaign Announces Multiple Endorsements

Mari Cordes, Democratic candidate for the Vermont House in Addison-4, has received endorsements from several individuals and organizations, including David Zuckerman, Bill McKibben, the VSEA, and Rights & Democracy.